Good to Know
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Going Tubeless!
If you are like me then you probably have never questioned toothpaste tubes, because they were just an inevitable feature of life. We need to

A New Enamel Building Ingredient in Toothpaste
There is a new kid on the block in cavity prevention. Who is this new kid, you ask? Hydroxyapatite. That’s who. Ok it’s not exactly

The Benefits of Single Use Toothpaste
When I was a kid I remember going to the store and there were quite a few options for different toothpastes to choose from. There

Helping our kids brush their teeth
My children are all grown now. But I remember what a challenge it was to get them ready for bed each night and how the

The Benefits of Hydroxyapatite Toothpaste
We have all been using fluoride toothpastes for years. Fluoride provides excellent protection for tooth enamel. However it is problematic if consumed in excess of

Poppits are environmentally safe toothpaste gels
We all want to be environmentally friendly! It is up to us to take care of the one precious planet we have. We cannot continue

Poppits Toothpaste Gels are Great for Kids!
When my kids were younger and brushed their teeth they would get toothpaste ev-ry-where! They would put way too much on their brush and it

Why Tubeless Toothpaste?
Just like tube tops and cathode tubes, toothpaste tubes were never a good idea. Okay cathode tubes did a good job until flat screens came

Easy Ways To Reduce Your Oral Hygiene Waste
Brushing your teeth is one of the most basic things you need to do to stay healthy. Much like sleeping, showering, exercising and making sure

Why Changing The Way You Brush Your Teeth Matters More Than Ever
Poppits is a revolutionary new way to use toothpaste. It’s a mess free tubeless toothpaste with no plastic packaging, so it’s eco-friendly as well. Using

Top Reasons why you should try Toothpaste Gels!
Are you tired of cleaning toothpaste off the side of the sink, the taps, perhaps even the walls or ceiling (if you have children)? Perhaps

Tips to take care of your teeth while travelling
I don’t know about you but I really enjoy two very different approaches to vacation travel. Either I enjoy relaxing, eating what we like and

Toothpaste without the tube
We all know toothpaste is essential for keeping your teeth and gums healthy, but what about the tube? While a toothbrush and paste are critical

Toothpaste without waste
If you’re used to buying toothpaste in a tube, take a look at the packaging and estimate how much of your purchase will end up

Toothpaste | Germs
The COVID-19 pandemic has shown us just how careful we need to be about germs and bacteria. Sure, we’re all getting much better at washing

Toothpaste, Landfills and Germs
We all brush our teeth twice a day (hopefully), but have you ever thought about the environmental impact of toothpaste tubes? Even though some companies